Sunday 25 July 2010

Blastette part 6 and Why Blastette

Another weekend, another Blastette! This weekend, the crew of the HERS Enkindle That arrive at Omega and begin the search for... What was it they were after?

Blastette on - also available on my Bioware blog.

Also, I thought I'd take alittle time to answer a question that I imagine a lot of people have thought to themselves, but not voiced to me: why Blastette and not Blasto?

Well, months ago when the idea of doing a series about making a mock movie trailer about Mass Effect, I was an active part of one of the female heavy fan threads on the Bioware forums (hi you guys and gals if you're reading), and the frequent feeling I got from their complaints and praises towards various Bioware games was that Bioware seem to have a very male-centric view of their Mass Effect games - or more fairly, they don't really approach the female Shepard side of their games with the same eye for detail as the male one. The main sign of this was their hate towards the character Jacob as a love interest, and I have to admit, after seeing what they are complaining about, Jacob turns from an uninteresting character to an outright bad one.

Anyway, I decided to try and give this group of bioware fans a sort of hero of there own: hence forth, Blasto's rebuild wasn't going to go smoothly ;-). It may also surprise people to hear that Blastette was originally only going to be the trailer, nothing more, but one comment said something like "can't wait to read the rest" and so the series was born.

So, that's the story for those who are interested: anyone who wants more questions answered, feel free to message me or to post them in comments here.

Also, would people like me to post copies of the stories here on the blog?

Til next week!

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